Wendy Hill Cosmetics launches new natural face treatment oils


Wendy Hill Cosmetics has become the sole New Zealand distributor for the beautiful new, all-natural Kiriora Kawakawa Face Treatment Oils.

These highly effective, pure, natural and organic products are manufactured with much aroha in Taupō, New Zealand.

Kiriora’s philosophy is to create simple, natural skin care using high performing specialist organic oils, vitamins, pure essential oils and botanical actives, along with the healing power of New Zealand native plants such as kawakawa and harakeke, with customary Māori treatments and therapies, to nourish the mind and soul as well as the skin.

Living a healthy life, being close to nature, and enjoying natural foods and products have been a life-long interest for Wendy Hill. After retiring from her professional beauty business, Wendy Hill Cosmetics, when younger family members stepped in, Wendy has enjoyed being able to refocus her energy and research and develop her Kiriora natural skin care in line with her life values.

Relocating from Auckland with husband Tom to be closer to her beloved whanau in Taupō has been a life changing experience she treasures. Wendy has the privilege of working and being with her Ngāti Tūwharetoa whānau who own and operate Wairakei Terraces as a family business and way of life.

The healing natural mineral hot pools, garden walks, tours and Māori cultural events - and being with family who cherish and maintain their cultural heritage and the land - have provided a beautiful environment for Wendy to explore and develop her products based on the healing principles of rongoā. (Māori medicine). Kiriora Kawakawa Face Treatment Oils have evolved from Wendy’s extensive experience and knowledge of the beauty industry and study of the healing powers of nature.

New Zealand is blessed with a vast array of unique indigenous flora mainly due to its isolation, varied climate, and unspoiled nature. Māori have used many of these species in traditional healing rongoā practices for centuries. Our native plant extracts are formulated to maximise the properties of these plants. All of our native plant extracts are made using plants sustainably harvested in New Zealand and contain only natural aromas.

For detailed information about the ingredients and uses of Kiriora Kawakawa Face Oils, and the full Kiriora story, please email us.


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